Chawanda Walker


Chawanda “Wanda” Walker is a light and inspiration to many and believes that everyone has a God-given purpose to fulfill. With a heart for helping others live free, she shares the power of God’s transformative love and encourages others to see themselves as the Master Designer sees them. As a mother, intercessor, prophet, and inspirational speaker, she is a living testimony of the limitless possibilities available when one submits to the Father’s will. Through her writings, she hopes to activate, inspire, and empower others to live a purpose-driven life and fulfill their divine assignments.


Book Description

Riveting and empowering! This highly anticipated work takes us back in time to the place where all things began for man, the Garden of Eden. Wanda masterfully explores man’s life before the fall, the adversary’s deception, and the plot twist the enemy did not see coming. God had a greater plan that would restore and reconcile man back to Himself. What was lost through the first Adam would be regained through the last Adam – Jesus Christ.

Book Trailers


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