you have finished your manuscript.


With God all things are possible.

Now It's Time to Submit Your Work.

Please review the Submission Requirements and Terms and Conditions before uploading your manuscript. If you have any questions, please click the button below to schedule a free consultation or send us a quick message via the contact page.

To better serve our clients, we accept only a limited number of manuscripts annually.  Please see the manuscript submission guidelines below. 

Literary Genres

We publish positive, uplifting, empowering, enlightening, and entertaining content across most literary genres. 

Typed Manuscript

All manuscripts must be typed and saved as one Word or PDF document.  We do not accept chapters saved as individual files, nor foreign language submissions.

Word Count

Manuscripts should have at least 10,000 words. At this time, we do not accept low-content books. Exceptions are companion workbooks and children's books.

Your Work

Manuscripts must be the work of the author(s). We do not publish manuscripts that extensively quote or rely on references to another author's work. Scripture references are the only exception.

Works Cited

References to someone else's work should be credited to the original author, and permission should be obtained when necessary from the copyright holder.  Footnotes, works cited, or a reference page are all ways to credit authors.

Submit for Review

Submission does not guarantee acceptance. Every manuscript undergoes a review, which can take up to 4 weeks. We may contact the author with questions during this time. Notification of the final decision will be emailed to the author.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

You must first read and agree to the following Terms and Conditions before submitting your manuscript to Because There’s More Publishing (BTMP).

  • This manuscript is the author’s original work. A reference to another author’s work has been used with permission and credited appropriately.
  • We will always maintain the author’s intellectual property rights for the work he, she, or they created. BTMP takes great care to safeguard the privacy of its authors, along with their intellectual property, and maintains that privacy at all times.
  • The author’s personal information will never be disclosed to third parties without express permission. Email addresses and similar contact data will not be disclosed without the Author’s express permission. The personal details of the author may be used for correspondence by BTMP.
  • Manuscript submission does not imply acceptance. Authors will receive email notification of the final decision after their manuscript has been reviewed.

Ready to Submit?

Please read the Submission Requirements and Terms and Conditions before uploading your manuscript. If you have any questions, you may schedule a free consultation or message us via our contact page

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