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Spiritual Growth

Book Description

Riveting and empowering! This highly anticipated work takes us back in time to the place where all things began for man, the Garden of Eden. Wanda masterfully explores man’s life before the fall, the adversary’s deception, and the plot twist the enemy did not see coming. God had a greater plan that would restore and reconcile man back to Himself. What was lost through the first Adam would be regained through the last Adam – Jesus Christ.

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Personal Growth

Book Description

This book holds within its covers the power to inspire your heart and fill your soul with hope. If you are married or aspire to marriage, this book is for you! It is a guide towards choosing love, unearthing wisdom, and finding inspiration for building a thriving marriage. The journey towards becoming one will be filled with challenges, but together, you and your spouse can create a marriage that is enduring, fulfilling, and built on a foundation of love.

Book Description

As a nurse, Tonja Anderson Greene has spent decades tending to the wounds of others and helping them in their healing journey. But under that smile, lay wounds deeply buried in her subconscious mind with the only evidence of the trauma being triggered behaviors. However, memories that had laid dormant for years were now starting to resurface as an adult. She was forced to make a decision, which would change the course of her life forever.

My Little One Speaks is a powerful personal memoir that offers hope and inspiration for anyone on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tonja’s courageous exploration of the impact of unresolved childhood trauma and how it can affect our lives as adults is a testament to the power of the human spirit to triumph over adversity. Through her honest and heartfelt reflections, Greene reminds us that healing and transformation are possible. Her message is one of freedom, restoration, and hope for anyone who has struggled with the wounds of the past and is seeking a path toward healing and wholeness.

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Biography/ Memoirs

Book Description

As a nurse, Tonja Anderson Greene has spent decades tending to the wounds of others and helping them in their healing journey. But under that smile, lay wounds deeply buried in her subconscious mind with the only evidence of the trauma being triggered behaviors. However, memories that had laid dormant for years were now starting to resurface as an adult. She was forced to make a decision, which would change the course of her life forever.

My Little One Speaks is a powerful personal memoir that offers hope and inspiration for anyone on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tonja’s courageous exploration of the impact of unresolved childhood trauma and how it can affect our lives as adults is a testament to the power of the human spirit to triumph over adversity. Through her honest and heartfelt reflections, Greene reminds us that healing and transformation are possible. Her message is one of freedom, restoration, and hope for anyone who has struggled with the wounds of the past and is seeking a path toward healing and wholeness.

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